Contact/About this site
Way back in the dark ages of the Internet, I had an idea: wouldn’t it be a totally cool idea if you could put comics online? And wouldn’t it be even cooler if those comics were ones that you made yourself?
I pondered this, and realized I couldn’t draw well with a mouse. But then another idea struck me… what about using a flatbed scanner to import hand-drawn comics?
Delighted at my genius, I soon realized that I was not the first person to come up with this idea. Far from it, in fact.
Undaunted, I went to Wal-Mart and $40 later was the proud owner of a parallel-port scanner. In only 45 seconds I could scan a piece of paper (in black and white) for editing and posting! I even chatted with a few people who were involved in the “scene”.
Being a generally unmotivated type, I didn’t actually get around to posting anything online for about a year. Then, I bounced around free web page providers before finally settling on a name and getting paid web hosting. And kids, let me tell you… you get what you pay for with free hosting.
I moved around several paid web hosts over the next several years, but seem to have stabilized several years ago here. Like it or hate it, this webhost is reasonably reliable.
So this site has pretty much all the comics I’ve drawn (there are other projects out there) all ready for your perusal. Although I’m considering adding more projects to this site.
Oh… remember how I said that I didn’t start my comics for about a year? When I finally did, it was September 2000. At last count, there were over 2200 comics on the site. Some good, some dreadful. All there for the world to see. And all still here even though the very volume of comics will scare more than a few people off.
The calendar shows all too well some periods of lots of activity, and then times when I just seem to disappear for a while. Probably because I’m working on something different, or I’m busy being homeless or divorced or something.
If you aren’t scared off by that amount of reading, you may want to grab a soda before you start. It’s going to be a long evening.
Like what you see? Or hate it? Marriage proposals? Comment on individual pages, or write me at